Glossary ======== .. glossary:: :sorted: SKOS `Simple Knowledge Organization System `__. An general specification for Knowledge Organisation Systems (thesauri, word lists, authority files, ...) that is commonly serialised as :term:`RDF`. SKOS-THES The `ISO 25964 SKOS extension `_ defines mappings between the ISO 25964 standard and the :term:`SKOS` specification. RDF `Resource Description Framework `__. A very flexible model for data definition organised around `triples`. These triples forms a directed, labeled graph, where the edges represent the named link between two resources, represented by the graph nodes. URI A `Uniform Resource Identifier`. URN A URN is a specific form of a :term:`URI`. Pyramid This webframework was used to implement the server side components of Atramhasis. HTML HyperText Markup Language is the markup language used to create webpage. CSS Cascading Style Sheet is a style specification used to add style and presentation to webpages. SOA `Service Oriented Architecture `__. REST REST or `REpresentational State Transfer` is a way of data exchange that is very complimentary to the operations of the HTTP protcol. Jinja2 `Jinja2 `__ is a python templating engine. It's used by Atramhasis for rendering :term:`HTML` templates. HDT `HDT `__ (Header, Dictionary, Triples) is a compact data structure and binary serialization format for RDF that keeps big datasets compressed to save space while maintaining search and browse operations without prior decompression. This makes it an ideal format for storing and sharing RDF datasets on the Web.