Source code for atramhasis.utils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Module containing utility functions used by Atramhasis.
from collections import deque
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPMethodNotAllowed

from skosprovider.skos import Concept, Collection, Label, Note, Source, ConceptScheme
from skosprovider_sqlalchemy.providers import SQLAlchemyProvider

[docs]def from_thing(thing): """ Map a :class:`skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing` to a :class:`skosprovider.skos.Concept` or a :class:`skosprovider.skos.Collection`, depending on the type. :param skosprovider_sqlalchemy.models.Thing thing: Thing to map. :rtype: :class:`~skosprovider.skos.Concept` or :class:`~skosprovider.skos.Collection`. """ if thing.type and thing.type == 'collection': return Collection( id=thing.concept_id, uri=thing.uri, concept_scheme=ConceptScheme(thing.conceptscheme.uri), labels=[ Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id) for l in thing.labels ], sources=[ Source(s.citation) for s in thing.sources ], members=[member.concept_id for member in thing.members] if hasattr(thing, 'members') else [], member_of=[c.concept_id for c in thing.member_of], superordinates=[broader_concept.concept_id for broader_concept in thing.broader_concepts] ) else: matches = {} for m in thing.matches: key =['Match')] if key not in matches: matches[key] = [] matches[key].append(m.uri) return Concept( id=thing.concept_id, uri=thing.uri, concept_scheme=ConceptScheme(thing.conceptscheme.uri), labels=[ Label(l.label, l.labeltype_id, l.language_id) for l in thing.labels ], notes=[ Note(n.note, n.notetype_id, n.language_id) for n in thing.notes ], sources=[ Source(s.citation) for s in thing.sources ], broader=[c.concept_id for c in thing.broader_concepts], narrower=[c.concept_id for c in thing.narrower_concepts], related=[c.concept_id for c in thing.related_concepts], member_of=[c.concept_id for c in thing.member_of], subordinate_arrays=[narrower_collection.concept_id for narrower_collection in thing.narrower_collections], matches=matches, )
[docs]def internal_providers_only(fn): """ aspect oriented way to check if provider is internal when calling the decorated function :param fn: the decorated function :return: around advice :raises pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPMethodNotAllowed: when provider is not internal """ def advice(parent_object, *args, **kw): if isinstance(parent_object.provider, SQLAlchemyProvider) and \ 'external' not in parent_object.provider.get_metadata()['subject']: return fn(parent_object, *args, **kw) else: raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed() return advice
def update_last_visited_concepts(request, concept_data): session = request.session if 'last_visited' not in session: session['last_visited'] = deque(maxlen=4) last_visited = session['last_visited'] try: # Try to remove concept from the queue to prevent double entries last_visited.remove(concept_data) except ValueError: # Concept is not in the queue pass # Add concept to the queue last_visited.append(concept_data)